July 18, 2008

Don Nelu Eguña as Channa

1. Tell us something about yourself.

I am a graduate of Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering but I am currently affiliated with travel – maybe because I love TRAVEL more than constructing buildings and skyscrapers! I am the eldest of FIVE. Friends call me Dhon or DhonDhon and very close friends call me DiDon. I love watching movies, and am pretty much updated with what’s currently showing and what’s showing soon. Hehehehe … I have a huge collection of DVDs and I just love watching KOREAN movies! I love spaghetti and lasagna and chocolate and hotdog and umm what else ummm.. guess those are my favorites.

They say I’m funny; well I can be humorous at times. I’m outgoing and adventurous. I love reading, surfing the net. Did I mention that I love singing, dancing and acting? Hehehehe .. I just realized that I’m over-using the word LOVE, probably because I AM a loving person.

Loyal. Understanding. More of a listener than a talker. Sure that everything happens for a reason and “there are no accidents” (Kung Fu Panda). Knows that Hate is excess baggage. Believes that Life is too beautiful to entertain negative emotions. Realized that Pain is self-inflicted if entertained too much. Convinced that Love is the greatest gift and gesture of all.

2. Why did you audition for this play?

I didn’t know that I was auditioning for a play depicting the life of Buddha. I was just informed (by Ms. Daisy) that auditions were going on at a temple in Guadalupe (Chu-un) and to give it a try. I already auditioned for another play and got a part (understudy) but tried out anyway. Eventually I backed out from the other play and stuck with Siddhartha. I am really into musicales and stage plays and would want to be part of anything good here in Cebu that was why I auditioned. I can still remember singing in front of our Musical Director and Artistic Director, “Sing Classical!!!”. I was like trembling while trying to sing Classical-ish!

3. What did you feel when you were chosen to be Channa?

“The Major Roles go to ….”, I was like “OK”. I wasn’t really eyeing on the King’s role or Little Siddhartha or Rahula or even Siddhartha so it was no biggie to me when they announced these roles. “And the Special-Minor-Role of Channa goes to… “, I was like, “Who’s Channa?”. Hehehehe ..

I didn’t know then that my role played an important effect in Prince Siddhartha’s realization and eventual enlightenment. I was pretty excited since the character was all new to me and so I get to initially make it come to life and make my own interpretation of who the character is.

4. Have you had any musical theatre experience prior to this?

I still have a picture of me wearing jumper pants and a Unicorn head-dress shouting “Help! Help! I’m stuck in mud hole!”. I can’t remember if there was singing involved because I was still in Grade 4 then. I also have a picture of me in my Grade 6 days wearing a RAT costume and I’m sure there was lip-synching involved. So yes, I had musical theatre experiences prior to Siddhartha.

May 2008 – as “Channa”
Siddhartha, the Musical Journey to Enlightenment
Kaoshiong and Taipei

November 2007 -- as “Channa”
Siddhartha, the Musical Journey to Enlightenment
Cultural Center of the Philippines
Manila, Philippines

July 2007 -- as “Channa”
Siddhartha, the Musical Journey to Enlightenment
Grand Ballroom, The Waterfront Hotel
Cebu, Philippines

August 2006 - as “The Wizard of Oz”
The WIZ, the Musicale
Onstage, AYALA Cinema 1
Cebu, Philippines

November 2005 -- as “Cain”
Children of Eden
Grand Ballroom, the Waterfront Hotel
Cebu, Philippines

April 2003 - Ensemble
Les Miserables, Musical Excerpts

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